Making String?

Does anyone know where I can get the materials to make string, and how to do it? I’m fed up with string prices. :stuck_out_tongue:

Walmart and YouTube, everything you could possibly need lol

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

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Personally I find string pretty darn cheap, considering the time and expenses of making them. Yes it’s cheap to make them but $16 worth of premade string can last a really long time. Also you support a business in the hobby by buying people’s string so that’s incentive to buy it as well :slight_smile:
But, as previously mentioned: YouTube and Walmart (or similar store) will have everything you need.

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well i take apart already made yoyo string and put other colors in it the use a motor and then tie a knot in it

We buy high quality 100% poly thread online somewhere.