Looking to unload your collection?
Hit me Up!!
Im looking to try lots of new yoyos!
If you have something that you just want to get rid of cheap PM me!
Looking to buy in bulk!
Looking to unload your collection?
Hit me Up!!
Im looking to try lots of new yoyos!
If you have something that you just want to get rid of cheap PM me!
Looking to buy in bulk!
I can sell you 4 Brand new in box Yoyofficer yoyos for $100 shipped ( From Australia) A Tusk, and Imp, and Orbis and a Musket.
Looking to buy in bulk with $50?
Yeah… Me too.
He’s a reseller. He buys low to resell for a profit.
Just like my old pal YoMurph.
I wouldn’t sell that Clown a roll of used toilet paper.
He only vanished for a year, hoping we would forget about his slick Willy business style.
Anybody Stupid enough to deal with this genius; is… uh > Stupid🤡
my used toilet paper comes in strips… your thoughts @yoyodoc?
If I buy your stripped toilet paper…will you sign it for me before shipping?
hell, i’ll wrap them around extra stickers, then sign’m!
Yo I reached out to this guy to see if he was interested and he removed himself from the conversation like a simple no thanks will do bro
same here actually…
your BST has been TP’d @mordo613
Turning Pointed?
Turned Pointless?
somebody should be ashamed of themselves if they were going to lowball that man… ooof…
however, do you accept out-of-state third party starter checks? the theme is, kittens in human clothes… pm if interested!