Looking to trade 5 Yoyos for metal yeti or make a offer

Hello I’m looking to trade 5 yoyos (3 topyo Colossus iv’s , a topyo selene in green, and a whimsy roar) I want to keep them but unfortunately in a spot where i have to minimalize my collection. I have pictures all in brand new condition. make a offer on any trade. Willing to trade all 5 for one.


Dude bimetal are blah at best lol


I kinda agree with this - I only have 2 bimetals that i like.


I mean I like the couple I have but there are monomeyals that play just as good if not better n most bimetal shave a vibe to them


Same - I’m more likely to pick up a monometal

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Me too I have never heard of anyone who only has bimetals

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Well good to know thanx

I feel ya

Also there are bgrade u can buy for like 40$ I think

Of bimetals?

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