Looking for a toonie

Hello everyone. I’m looking to buy a toonie. If anyone is interested in selling one. Please message me.

Thank you

RCS is going to go another run, from what I hear.

Really, do you happen to know when?

Not sure when, he’s posted on FB and IG that there should be another run.
With the way things are right now, I wouldn’t expect it for at least another couple months at best.
But that’s just my uneducated guess.

Thank you. Appreciate it. I’ll keep my eyes open for them.

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Can confirm. Another run is coming. We’ll have fresh colorways for it.


Fantastic!!! Thank you so much. I need to get one for sure.

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Hopefully you’ll get to snag one from this run. I’m pretty stoked about the new colorways.

Any idea when they are releasing? Could you drop your brother a hint. Lol

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I have no idea lol. If I did, I’d tell you. I can promise you that we’ll qc them and get them out to retailers as fast as possible when they get here.

Appreciate that bro. I’ll just have to keep my eyes open and be paying attention. Lol. Thanks for responding and giving me the info you did. :muscle:

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