Looking for a recommendation

Nope. Have to get a better feel of it before I decide if I want to switch the weight up.

What?! The sole reason I love the summit is because its nimble and easy to make speed up.
Its quick and light on the string.

Summit any day of the week. Love the speed and stability of that yoyo.


What the heck!?! Who trades a chief and a Burnside for a summit! What a rip-off for that guy…

It has the Side Effects Axle system.

You can always change them out for some lighter side effects

It comes with ULs though

It comes with ultra lights, that’s the lightest side effects

Hey guys, how does the cascade and code 2 compare to the summit on speed, stability, and spin times?

Doesn’t the anodize add weight

What does that have to do with side effects?

Anodization adds a little bit of weight. It has nothing to do with anodization.

Only weight.

Cascade is lighter, and
It has this interesting feel, I don’t know if I consider it float or something else.

Code2 felt solid and bland.
I didn’t like mine. I gave it 3 chances, And I just… Didn’t care for it.
The only time I actually had any sort of wanting to play it was with UL and a Ct.
But even then, I didn’t like it as much as a Summit.
Cascade is too small for me.

NO NOT TRUE. The summit is not slow or heavy. It’s as floaty as a chief IMO and can be just as fast. I wholeheartedly recommend the summit.