Looking for a offset yoyo tofu

Hey everyone I’m just wondering if anybody has a used tofu they’d be willing to part ways with.

Hey I have one! Barely been used too

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Great, PM me and we’ll work out a deal

Just so you know they are still available on the offset website man………new not used

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I know, I just dont feel like paying the 20$ shipping.

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I feel ya……

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:joy::joy::joy: your the BEST bud , I live in Canada and FULLY understand the hardships of high shipping costs AND having my country’s dollar be 20cents less , I hate that when I see something that’s- for an easy example - 44.00 USD (YYF 44) ends up being 60 something bucks :man_facepalming:t5:(CAD) I can’t help but feel kinda “Ripped off” :sweat_smile::joy:

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