I really enjoy collecting FHZs and was wondering if people knew which yoyo models accept FHZ caps?
Here are a few that might, but have not personally tried… can anyone else confirm?
Not sure:
Yoyos that DO accept FHZ caps:
Duncan Freehand MG
Duncan Freehand AL
Duncan Raptor
Duncan Flipside
Duncan Hayabusa
Duncan Diversion
Werrd Hour
Werrd 86400
YYF Severe 2010
RecRev Silly Goose
YYJ Legacy 1
YYJ Legacy
YYJ Trinity
YYJ Titan3
C3 Capsule
AnY Happy Yo Freerider
YoYos that do NOT accept FHZ caps:
Duncan Freebird
Duncan Butterfly XT
YYF Delrin Severe
YYF Roll Model
YYJ Dark Magic 2
RecRev Papier Mache
Matt Schmidt Underdog
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Freehand AL accepts those caps as far as I know.
Great, will move that to the confirmed list.
After poking around the Raptor, Freedbird, hayabusa, and flipside are all possibly compatible with these caps. I’m fairly sure of all of them except for the Freebird.
Sorry logi, are you saying the hour and 86400 do?
hayabusa and yoyojam titan3 take zero caps
June 16, 2014, 7:24pm
yes and i can confirm that the raptor does as well.
Yoyojam legacy 1 fits them.
I think the Any Happy Yo Freerider does. Possibly the Matt Schmidt underdog as well. I can check both when I get home in a few days.
Dark magic does, I think.
Dark magic 1?
1 and 2, as well as the Legacy and Trinity. YYF Severe 2010 did to, not sure about 2011. The Fast 201k takes them, as do the other ones in the fast series with the exception of the ones with the dials. Roll Model does not take FHZ caps btw.
Can you just buy the caps separately or do you have to mix and match?
You have to mix and match the caps, although some store sell special edition caps on occasion.
Thanks for all the feedback, list updated.
Paper Mache doesn’t take them, its a smaller delrin pog
duncan diversion and C3 capsule too I believe
Any Happy Yo Freerider - yes
Matt Schmitt Underdog - no
June 22, 2014, 1:49am
I have a translucent pink FHZ with white caps if your interested