Recently I saw a video of Jonathan Sitanggang using what he says is a Yoshicuda with hornet caps. Does anyone know if this is possible? Also are hornet caps a different size than FH caps?
You just hit him up on Instagram maybe. He is super chill and nice I think. Also I do not think Hornet caps are the same size as fh1 caps. Like 96% sure they’re not.
Edit—my bad I was mistaken and fh next gen are not the same but regular fh are the same ooops !
if you line up the caps with the yoyo and step on the halfs they get lodged in there. Hornet and FH caps are the same size. Be careful not to bend the caps too much.
I don’t have an ig account… From my searching FHZ caps seem to be the same, but not sure about FH1. I might just pick up a cheap hornet and give it a go. I’m curious how it plays with a few extra grams. Thanks!
No need for buying some hornet, there’s some duncan caps sold in set
There’s gotta be a better way.
Nice looks good. How permanent do you think this is? Could the caps be removed without breaking them?
if you keep the caps near the rim (not pushing them in) you can push one side down and mine pop out. I’d only do this mod if you’re willing to break a cap (although not likely)