Tell me what you think!
i liked it… maybe you could come up with a better ending to it… the trick left me wanting the trick to continue. Im sure with more time you will achieve this.
[shadow=red,left][/shadow] That’s really cool! Keep up the good work!
make a tut for it. ;D
I igree
Pretty Cool.
agreed! make a tutorial! i’d love to learn this combo!
Thanks guys! I was tossing up between calling the vid ‘Trial’ or whatever its called now(XD). So yeah, its not yet the final product. Seeing as I have recieved 3 suggestions for a tut…FINE I’ll make one, All I know is its gonna take about 6 hours to edit >_<
damn 6 hours to edit?! well good luck it’s for the betterment of the yoyo community! haha
That may be a little bit of an exaduration but yeah, it takes a long time to edit.
speeed up the combo and fit more in and change music to like rap or pop
speeed up the combo and fit more in and change music to like rap or pop
It is rap but the song was only 12 seconds in. Thanks for the suggestions!