LF: Duncan Hornet spacer

Hi guys, I was gettiing a knot out of my duncan hornet and i lost a spacer. Where can i get some replacement ones. PLEASE HELP!!!

Edit- Good news!!! I found a looping spacer from a duncan parts kit that had the speed beetle spacer. I put it in and now it has a wider gap and I can do mach 5 on it.


What size is it? I found some in my stash.

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[removed because pretty sure shop links break rules oops[

This thing

I need to know how thick it is but I probably have it in brass.

I will come back after measuring

I wonder if 3d printed looping spacers would work well enough…

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I forgot my ruler in school. I use it for math class and the teacher said to leave it there so i cant really do much.

Take pictures of it next to something with known dimensions, like a penny

Read the edit-.

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