LF: Diptych

Please tell me you got it @Yoyo_Garden


i just spoke to him, he did not

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Nah man I was too slow in my old age lol

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That is really messed up that someone hijacked your thread. Maybe a PM would have been more appropriate than a public comment?


Hey I appreciate that but no worries man. Doc is a good man and a legit member of the community. That’s a highly desired throw right now so it’s not gonna be easy to grab. @fatguysnacks247 always tells me the chase is half the fun. But why does it feel more like stress lol?


Sorry @Yoyo_Garden but we will all keep an eye out and let you know if/when one pops up!

I hear you about the stress though…But you’ve got this!


ah, because the reward is worth its weight in gold the feeling you get that first couple throws in on something you’ve been really hunting for… bapebumps maybe?

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We couldn’t separate between fun and stress in this kind of search :laughing:


Sadly, you are both correct and incorrect at the same time.effafish,

I don’t ‘hijack threads’.

I posted 2 pics of a Dip in a thread about looking for a Dip.

I have more than a few witnesses on the forum as to a little hobby of mine.

I call it Grail Mail. I watch the board, not to actively ‘sell’ yoyos. But to see who is looking for ‘what’ and having trouble finding it.

Fatguysnacks247, Fourcorners, Vegabomb, 888alltheway, Haruray, hejjafish, GoyoyoRu, and the list goes on of people I have helped get what they seek.

Since you guys are currently all active forum members. You can All attest to the reality that I seldom use someone else’s’ thread to ‘market my yoyos’.

In the last week or so, I finally discovered(I’m kinda slow on figuring out phone features) that instead of loading images from my gallery. That I can open a post and take and send images instantly. For me, they load 5 times faster than moving them from my phone gallery storage.

So… that is what I did. Bam! I’ve got a Dip… < my first mistake.

As benmichael86 stated. Prolly better if I would have pm’d directly to yoyo_garden. < Too late now but I would agree 100%. < second mistake

But at that moment I wasn’t thinking of selling or trading. I just posted up I had what ‘several’ people are usually looking for.:thinking:

Having little idea what time zones every one of us is in? And paying little attention to who is active/who is lurking/who is watching out for friends that may be sleeping; I have no thoughts on who exactly may respond to whatever I post whenever I post anything? Some people just ‘Appear’!

I have pm’d people that seem desperate for days to get something. And they don’t get back to me for 3 or 4 days.

So, I posted in the thread. I honestly didn’t pay attention to the name of the seeker. I just didn’t.

Awhile later, someone pm’s me and says he has been looking for one and would buy it Now!

Offers me much more than the figure I had in my mind. But that is not what I do. I do not hold yoyos hostage. I just charge a fair price. And if it is a trade, I am willing to let the other party get the better end of the deal(unless I sense they are a ‘middleman’.

So, the guy that bought the Dip got a very nice deal and saved some money.

As I already mentioned, I didn’t pay any attention to the original name in the thread. I just responded to the person that contacted me first.

This was the first time this has happened. And learning from this. It will be the last time it happens.

I learn by doing. And this is an excellent lesson on what not to do.

The actual buyer was not trying to pull a fast one and neither was I.

Now on the other hand, if yoyo_garden would have been active at the moment I posted those pics; I would not be writing all this text.

That also is not my fault or his. People sleep when they sleep. I don’t have the schedule.

It is not unusual after I end somebody’s’ search, that a half a dozen other people that find out one way or another, contact me and ask, ‘do you have another one’?

So, there is more than one downside to my hobby.

My public apology to yoyo_garden for screwing up his search and the unintentional thread jack benmichael pointed out.

I don’t do the Grail Mail thing as a money making adventure. Trust me; I don’t need the money.

From this point forward, I will pay strict attention to the screen name of the person asking for what. And who asked for whatever ‘first’. And use pm’s to get the ball rolling.


Bro I love you. And I have no hard feelings. I know you would never do anything to harm anyone. That throw is super desired and I would have offered a lot as well. But due to our time difference, I was not active and was sleeping. I am not upset and appreciate everything you do for the community. My search will continue. You are a good man and we all know that.


@yoyodoc, you are an honorable gentleman, a poet, scholar, comedian… think the list is endless. your wisdom, hilarity, and joy relinquished upon this forum, and the world, has no end. you have not erred, no apologies are needed. however, your yoyodocsplanations are always highly encouraged!


Many many years ago my favorite uncle gave me some words of wisdom.

He said, ‘When you screw up something, step forward and face the music. With one exception. If the music sounds like a Firing Squad, then turn around and run. You can always feel sorry later.’


@yoyodoc I didn’t mean that you had hijacked the thread. I realize that you were being helpful and trying to help someone find a yoyo that they had been looking for.

The hijack comment was more intended for the person who bought the yoyo. If I were in their position, I would have said to check with the original poster first to see if they wanted it (since this was their personal post). It would be different if you had made your own sale post.

I apologize if my comment seemed hypercritical. Either way, someone got a cool yoyo and @Yoyo_Garden had a good outlook on the situation.


Bump me. Still looking

Best of luck. Two great throws you are looking for there. The Dip took me a looooong time to track down, but as mentioned above it made the final acquisition that much more satisfying.ill keep an eye out


Thank you

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Bump. Help me get a dip fam


Still searching

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