LF CLYW Chief and Canvas have cash and Comp grade KLR

Title says it all. I’m looking to buy a Chief or a Canvas. It’s been a while since I pulled out my throws, but I just grabbed the few I have left and now I have the itch. I have much more realistic expectations on finding a Chief than a Canvas, but hit me up if you’re looking to get rid of one. I’m interested in mint condition only.

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Is it still okay to bump?

Yeah you can bump once a day. I would recommend adding an advanced scout to your list. It’s a chief but easier and cheaper to find.

I didn’t know anything about the Advanced Scout. I’ll have to look into that. I can’t believe Chiefs are hard to find now. It’s been a while since I was active on here, but when I was Chiefs were everywhere. It wasn’t even that hard to find a 7075 Chief back then.

Chief’s just recently shot up in collector value. I bought a near mint 7075 last year for $110 and this year that would probably sell for $150-180.

It seems like the market changes quite a bit. I bought a 7075 Hulk Smash Chief mint for $175 6 or 7 years ago when I first got in to the hobby. I would’ve thought it would be worth a lot more now. I sold it for $200 a few months later. I guess it’s just nostalgia. I would’ve though a mint 7075 Chief would’ve been art least in the $250-$300 range by now.

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I guess that’s a good thing though. Yoyos shouldn’t cost that much. I see the titanium prices nowadays and think that’s just stupid. I get titanium is expensive and that’s okay, but regular metal yoyos shouldn’t cost that much.

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