LA Yoyo club (maybe local contest?)

I was looking online and realized that there wasn’t any Yoyo clubs for the Los Angeles area. Would anyone here want to potentially start an LA club? (I’m like 80% sure this won’t work but I’ll ask

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Boy have I got news for you… there is indeed an LA yoyo club and it’s actually the biggest yoyo club in the US. It’s called DXL and it’s been around since the early 2000’s, so it’s actually most likely the longest running as well in addition to being the biggest.

We meet up once a month in Artesia (it’s a good mid point for people in LA, OC, and Riverside county), and there’s several ways you can find out when the next one is going to be:

And here’s a thread on YYE for it, although it’s not an official thread or anything and definitely isn’t updated as much as the above official FB and Insta links.

Would love to have you come out!


For the past few months since I got back into the game the meetups are always on weekends I’m busy!!
I hope I can make one soon, it’s only about 15 minutes from my place.

What part of LA are you from?

Im right by Knotts Berry Farm.

Around the San Gabriel mountain range

Both of you I guess. I was hoping someone would say near the beach.

I’m near or at the beach often tho.

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Right Near the Beach Boieee.

Artesia is a trek from me up in Ventura County.