I’m looking for 2 yoyos:
EDGE Beyond in
- Pink / Blue rims
- Red / Gold rims
looking for them in mint condition. Vibe-free
Also looking for
Bequest Yoyos Legacy
Any colour would be fine. Also looking for them in mint condition.
I live in Korea so it has to be shipped internationally. I would prefer USPS First Class International as it is the cheapest shipping method from the US to Korea. Seems to cost somewhere between 12-18 bucks.
I’m looking to pay up to $100 for the Edge Beyond shipped to Korea (seems reasonable since many seem to sell it for around $80 so including shipping, up to $100 seemed decent to me)
And the Bequest Legacy I’m willing to pay $85 - 95 shipped to Korea.
I will be paying with Paypal Goods and Services.