Help us name our cat by posting her new name below.
I’m partial to
Cauchi pronounced (KOH SHE) Famous math dude, and possibly your cat.
Sniffy. great video as well
That will make me SAD
It would be a great way to remember a huge cat lover
True and I don’t think my family will like captain DOOM.
How about a name like Sophie or ginger. Since you said it’s a girl.
Just call her Abigail…
Don’t ask me why.
you realize if you call the cat abigail a nickname could be abby?
No one likes the pogo phone explosion???
The last name of your favorite player. For example, mine would either be Gormley or Steller
Hehe, I very much enjoyed your video.
senior pussikenz III
Her sister named Abby got ran over by a logging truck.
Juliet, Jules for a nick name
Also, my name is Logan too!

Also, my name is Logan too!
I see you hit that trick, nice!