Kids don't know what yoyos are!!!

The kind of yo-yoing that people on this forum do is pretty different from what the average dad knows about. The classic yoyo is what people don’t know about; they never even knew about the modern yoyo. My point is that although it may sad for yoyos to be gone in obscurity, that isn’t really related to the modern sport. You may very well disagree with that though.

Any skill that takes a lot of time to get good at is bound to be small. This is especially true of things that don’t keep peoples attention for very long. Someone will see a yoyoer, be interested for 5 minutes and then forget about it (of course you’ll be the yoyoman for life). A skateboarder suffers from it less because his sport is much more blatantly AWESOME (not knocking yoyos - try to get what I mean), but he still is not covered in lemonlight. Take fashion on the other hand. People can understand what looks good and they can easily join in by taking the advice of experts; it is very accessible to the average person, and therefore will be much more popular, publicized, and idolized.

Because its black Friday, my 2 cents gets slashed in half, so this is just my penny.

I just find these kind of stories sad… However, i think it is part of the parents faults for not introducing toys that aren’t electronic to their kids. At least eh nthe kids can be introduced to skill toys and other fun things.

I know this is so sad. I am only thirteen and I remember lots of memories with my yoyo. They don’t know about these things because unlike me they are always on their Xboxes and things. I don’t go on any of my devices as much as most people do because I enjoy playing outside and yoyoing. Their parents don’t discipline their children enough to get off their devices and do more educational and productive things! I think everyone should play outside and get some sunlight. They sit in dark rooms and game for hours. There like vampores!!!

I yoyo almost everyday before school starts, and during lunch, and at least once a week someone starts yelling, “Cheater! Cheater! It’s not really spinning!” like some kind of maniac. (I am in middle school) And sometimes they come up to me and say something like, “What kind of motor’s in that?” or, “what kind of batteries does it use?”

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Your phrase almost clearly describes middle school kids.

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That’s when you say “See now kiddies, there’s this thing called rotational kinetic energy…” In your best monotone sarcastic-lecture voice.

It’s totally different here. We have Auldey Blazing Teens show on tv like since a month or two and still airing. Local forum on Facebook is now flooding with questions on how to make their yoyos spin longer.
However, I remember few years ago I asked a random toy store clerk if they have yoyos, she don’t even know what a yoyo is. So it could’ve been that certain portion of the society are not exposed, I mean, you don’t even need to like or have played yoyos to know what it is. I don’t think they simply don’t want to care, only have never seen it before.

It’s actually crazy how many people ask me if my yoyos are battery powered. Then every time I have to explain that it’s really not… and how it works…

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I bet kids these days don’t know what a Dino Rider is either, kick ass toy when I was a kid, but the years move on and different generations get different things. The fact that the yoyo has endured for so long is a testament to it’s ingenuity and creative capabilities, I’m sure there were some toys around back when yoyo’s first became popular that we have no clue of. The fact is, as children move to all digital toys the yoyo will have to live on through a minority of the general public.

       Don't worry, I'm in 7th grade, ill make sure they know what real fun is!

Its already happeneing…
