Kamuraiju by OneDrop Yo-Yos! - Releasing Thursday November 17th 8pm ET!


From OneDrop Team Member Daiju Okamura:

“I designed this yo-yo so that it would be optimal when performing Skin the Gerbil. Taking inspiration from older One Drops like the Project, the Kuntosh and the Summit, I adopted the flat rim. This is a One Drop yo-yo after all! This choice wasn’t only about making a statement, but also to create an easy grip when holding and a unique feeling during play. Of course I really like the way it looks.

Kamuraiju-Blue Kamuraiju-Blue-2 Kamuraiju-Blue-3

I recommend throwing the Kamuraiju with a light touch. For me, throwing it with less force than usual really suits the way I play. I just want to take it easy. However, this yo-yo is designed so that you can throw it powerfully and you’ll be able to do the same tricks, so use it at full power if you feel that is what you need.

For the box design, I used the kanji symbol “寿(Kotobuki)” that is used in my name. This kanji character means something like “Best Wishes” or “Long Life” and it is used frequently around New Years time. I give you Kotobuki and many thanks for supporting my signature yo-yo and I hope you really like it.”


Can’t wait to try this one! Who can help with how to pronounce the name?

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It’s a really great yoyo. Will go down as an instant One Drop classic, I’m sure.


Y’all think I should cop?


Kamuraiju, looks like a small typo in the title







knowing your preferences from watching some of your reviews: yes, absolutely. I mean, it’s got ski jumps and comes in blue! but seriously yes, i do think you’ll like it.

completely agree, it’s a fantastic blending of the Project/Summit/Kuntosh and I can see it being thought of as fondly as them.


Hey, I’m a simple man

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