JxAxM by Miguel Correa

Did a few tricks for joexann.tumblr.com Check it out for a short interview with me as well!

oh man!!! your my new fav yoyoer!!! im lucky i got your card

New fav? He’s been mine for a while. I’ll have to wait until I get home to check the video. Thanks Miggy!

It’s weird to see a string attached to you finger lol.

Yeah, agreed. He can do it pretty well though. Nice job miggy.

Loving it miggy!

Wow. ENJOYED the video a lot. Your tricks are getting more smooth flowing and just more clean.


Yeah, he’s really improving his 1A a lot.

Hey, that’s my living room.

Really? LOL, did you know he was there, or did he break into your house? LOL, I know Miggy wouldn’t do that. :wink:

We’re roomates, I was on my macbook on the couch the entire time, haha.

LOL. :smiley:

Those tricks were sick! :slight_smile:

This is the first I’ve seen your 1a or heard that you did 1a and I was very impressed
nice work 8)

wow this was awesome. :o