Cancel that, iYoYo messaged me. They really have great customer service If anyone ever happens to need to know; the pairing with on the left with biggest one is the passion and the pairing on the right is the shooting star.***
I screwed up and accidentally mixed up all 4 of the axles that come with my iyoyo passion and shooting star, 2 unresponsive 2 responsive. The sizes below are what I have. I THINK the paired groups have matching thread widths but I am not positive.
7.85 mm
10 mm
10.15 mm
11.80 mm
Can anyone please tell me which axle goes with what yoyo or maybe if you only know the sizes for one of the yoyos tell me what axle sizes that yoyo takes.
I know this seems like a long shot but appreciate any help. Thank you