It's Teatime (finally)

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So cool! I think this phase of modern yoyo should be called the “Titanium Age” - so much sweet Ti out there now


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There was a message they sent out to their mailing list this morning announcing this that said they will get back to us in the following weeks when they are done with testing, QC, etc. They will then announce price and where you will be able to get them.

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I’ll make you a couple of wooden yoyos for one…


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Watching for that email!

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10 available, 250 euro

I guess it’s time for some tea :wink:


Enjoy the Tea(time)!


How does it play?

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I’m at work right now, so I only got the chance to throw it for a couple of minutes, but so far I love it! The specs are right up my alley and it’s just so fun to throw. I know I’m being vague, but I’m not sure how to properly describe a yoyo. In a typical ILYY fashion - it has no vibe, binds really consistently. Honestly, it makes me happy just to throw it.

I knew it would be a great yo-yo, but I didn’t expect loving it so much. I really recommend picking one up if there’s a second batch.

One minor complaint - I realy miss those leather/suede pouches that ILYY throws used to come in :cry:


Yeah, so I’ve had some time over the weekend to play with it and I really love this thing. It has a really nice weight to it, which makes it feels really powerful on the string. It is super stable and smooth. Can’t put it down, great job @raytsh and @crackout!

One more pic, with my other ILYYs:


The supplier of our early pouches, the heart-shaped ones, closed shop many years ago and we were never able to find a suitable replacement.


I came for the tea. Well, I will have my China Organic OP Green with or without yo-yo news.

Good to hear! :heart:

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