It's a kids toy?

I’m retired and still play with yo yos. For some reason they intrigue me.
My friends who are between 30 and 60 years old ask " Why do you play with yo yos?" “Aren’t they toys?”
I reply " It makes people smile" It’s relaxing, fun , challenging, and it’s above and beyond a toy.
Besides kids from 8 to 80 still play with yo yos.
Todays yos are a cut above the Duncan days.
Am I the oldest yye member?? If so that’s ok. :wink:

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It’s an everyone toy.

The good people from SPYY may be inclined to disagree that yoyos are toys…

I thought this was hilarious.

the oldest member is yoyomango, LOL

Look up some quotes by Pablo Picasso. The man adored a child’s ability to play and to have a mind free of constrictions.

“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. "

“The happiest adults are the ones doing what they did as children”

I like to take this into account when doing everything. It’s great philosophy. There are so much things I care about that I know I should not care about, things that I know I would never care about as a child.

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It’s a toy for kids of all ages! ;D ;D ;D

it’s for the kids inside of all of us

that is a disclaimer.

But a funney disclaimer!

I am a born-again yoyo-er. Another thread on this forum was asked what we did for a living. There were the predictable kids in various stages of school and for adults - the range of jobs was wide.

What struck me, however, was the predominance of technology workers or students interested in technology in some way. This implies a connection between fascination with technology and yoyo-ing. When I am asked why I am a computer consultant I usually cite the fact that I am constantly challenged intellectually by the vast array technical problems that I must solve on a daily basis. I think it is the same with yoyo tricks. We yoyo in order to master tricks and therefore master the yoyo. But the challenge never ceases because there is always a new trick to learn or a better competitor to beat. That is the fun of it.

Ask yourself why there are so few women in yoyo-ing?

I asked my wife. She rolled her eyes and said “I would get frustrated and quit in ten minutes”.

That is the beauty of it :slight_smile: