so i can not find one on youtube and i cant really figure it out by myself so is there any tutorial?
I am almost certain there is one on the skill addicts app. Maybe @Vektor could send that vid ?
I hope i‘m allowed to post a link here.
Here is the tutorial in skill addicts:
I recently learned the trick as well but also struggled with tutorials. I just watched some youtube shorts and slowed down the footage.
I can hit it like 1/50 times but i‘m slowly getting it.
Best of luck on the trick!
Edit: wrong link whoops
Yeah this is the one. There isn’t much of a breakdown though. At the end of the day the mechanics are the same as normal reverse brentstole, but around your neck. So most of the same tips apply. Approaching it from that perspective is what helped me learn both this and neck stole.
What are some issues that you are having?
Thank you!
Make sure not to pop the yoyo to high up and only keep it near ur shoulder. Also did u master regular neck stole yet?
yes im very consistent