Ignore user - broken?

Rapidly fixes the bug and gets that FHZ

Are things that serious that we ignoring users? Didn’t know such rifts could happen in the yoyo community

Well in your defense when we first launched the feature it was hard coded to 4 months without any visual indication that was the case. This was addressed within a week or so, but there was a brief window where you could have set this up and gotten no warning about the max time duration.

I think @Egon I saying it happens even if he picks a new person to ignore, not that four months has elapsed since he used the ignore function on someone.

Nope. I just don’t have time for nonsense. Don’t like to waste my time or others that’s why I’m putting a FHZ on the line (darn nice one at that).

Pick any user and I can’t ignore them, right now, for any amount of time. It works for the first thread that I view that they have a reply in then their status goes right back to normal after I return to the forum homepage.

Have only tried on my iPhone using safari.

It’s not working I can prove it. But I want to get on with my life so unless I get hired by discourse or there’s “A Yo” on it I’m ready to drop it and accept that there’s a glitch. Nobody’s perfect :man_shrugging:

Fair, can anyone else reproduce this? Give it a try. My account is staff so it’s not representative.

edit: my apologies @Egon I guess I can repro this. We should deploy the cluster since it’s probably a local bug that doesn’t exist in latest code.


Yea I can do it on my iPhone as well.

Edit- and on my iPad.

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Yeah big apologies on this one, totally my bad. The behavior sounded so crazy I wasn’t sure it was even possible… but it does happen!

edit: we redeployed this latest cluster and I just tested… ignored a random person, revisited a few topics they had posted in, posts still hidden. Looks good to me now.


Also based on further testing, seems to be a problem specific to the dark theme. How bizarre.

edit: no, this seems based on some user preference being incorrectly stored on your account somehow, both I and another Discourse team member could not repro this at all.

Switching from dark theme to light maybe reset your user preferences enough that the “bad” preference was reset? We’re not sure but it seems OK now. Feel free to switch back to the dark theme.


I’m on light theme and it’s broke for me.

Try changing themes arbitrarily and see if that helps. Best theory is that something is going wrong with prefs saving. To be clear, by “broken” we mean, user is initially ignored and then suddenly (very quickly) is not.

Could be a date math bug as well I guess, as all ignores have a duration.

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Switched to dark and it still did it. Switched back and tried again and still no go.

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Egon - The Man who Broke Discourse

I’m putting this on my resume and @codinghorror as a reference. Also with a link to my BST feedback

Weird, something very odd is going on because neither I nor @johani could repro. And @egon got fixed when switching themes, which triggered another prefs save.

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This is now fixed, thanks for sticking with it @egon – it was bug based on the ignore UI component erroneously getting a property set that made it a global, which made it submit the ignore state a bunch of extra times when it should not have. Very very weird and erratic resulting behavior as we saw!

Appreciate the followup, apologies for not believing earlier … it was just so weird!


Truly a highlight of my IT career. Lucky to have gotten the opportunity and appreciate the props.

Edit: this isn’t sarcasm… borderline resume material, definitely water cooler story

This was a wild ride, like a roller coaster


Thank god my 0 ignored users remain ignored!