If only I had learned from my mistakes

Collard greens are the best

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Spinach is king, it is the best Amaranthaceous Vegetable of all time.

Spinch is yumby

personally I love lebron


Lettuce is cool, it’s just a water leaf and is great on tacos. Kale is nasty and romaine is for bunnies.


I will die on my spinach hill, especially with some spaghetti and a cream sauce.

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Lettuce is fine. Crunchy water. Not a lot of anything going on. No a turtle cannot live on lettuce and neither can you.

Spinach is where it’s at. Beautiful. Especially cooked.

I’ve had kale twice. I’d have rather lick the spot in my car that had moth balls melted to it. But I might be doing kale wrong.

I’m also partial to Brussels sprouts and asparagus for delicious greens.


My man!

I have to agree with you there, Kale is gross. :nauseated_face: :confounded:

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This one simple trick the pros aren’t telling you about. I put down a can earlier, my arm swole threw times in strength, and I did a 3 min combo.



Lettuce is an irreplaceable irrefutable item of high importance in the history of the world.

For example… Little Caesar lettuce, played an integral part in causing the fall of the Romaine Empire.

And how can we forget the faithful cruise of the Titanic which tragically ended when the giant ship collided with a huge head of…. ICEBERG lettuce.

The popular greens have even had an impact on religion. A less Known but documented variety called Boston lettuce is a perfect example. You go into any Catholic Church in Boston and the first thing they say is Lettuce pray…

My list could go on for quite some time. But why bother telling you stuff that most of you guys already know?

I would hate to say anything not exactly true and start an Argula-ment.


I’ll ruin the joke by making it serious:
arugula > spinach.

Lower oxalate, lower pesticide residue, and antihistamine, and increases nitric oxide, among other things. It’s also called “rocket,” which is way cooler than spinach.

Used to love Romaine, but too many outbreaks to risk that one anymore.

And seriously, who likes kale? :stuck_out_tongue: (Okay, kale chips taste alright).

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I sea lettuce and I like it.


Here is a pro tip: a small bit of olive oil will help kale slide from the pan into the garbage can much easier… spinach and arugala mix FTW!


What about Kyle?


A small bit of olive oil can turn disgusting kale into a delicious kale chip when applied liberally with some salt and put into an oven.

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Yes, I agree! kale tastes good once you add very large quantities of lovely, strong flavors such as Olive Oil and Sea Salt. The less kale you taste, the better the kale tastes. (I also suggest burning the kale to eliminate any more of its flavor)

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Spinach and Arugula are King! (and Queen?)

The only way I can tolerate Kale is by plugging my nose when I eat it—a great portion of your taste actually comes from your nose!

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Please don’t eat him. He also does not like to be covered in olive oil or baked.

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No worries. Sea Lettuce is best experienced with great distances between admirer and Lettuce. 8300 km does it for me. :upside_down_face: