I was thinking of getting one for my 54. I tried a center trac and I liked it.
Do you think I should get a KK
I think a center trac is an improvment on the KK so I would say no.
I’ve never used a center trac, but I like a kk.
But a flat bearing works nice too.
It’s all preference.
I use both, i have a kk on 888 and kk on meteor. center trac on chaotic, spyy stryker, and protostar. they both perform well. i cant put one above the other. The kk has more of a U shape whereas the cbc has flat center with curved edges. but the key point here is balance. flat bearings provide little balance compared to the other 2 because they allow the string to go from one side to the other.
try out the kk and see if u like it.
stay cool
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