Idea for "Pay it forwards" threads

I have an idea and cant tell if its great or meh:
Include a friendship book for fun, something like this, maybe less promots and with a space for pictures or something


That would be neat. I like the handful of ones that keep a log would be neat to see other info. I’m happy when I see folks post about there experience in the forum and it’s neat when there’s a maintained list in the thread but a physical log is always so cool.

The older ones are neat almost like time capsules with string and stickers you can’t find anymore and little trinkets added over time.

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I really like the idea of this!

The downside of including something like a book, is that it can substantially push shipping cost up.

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If it’s smaller more log/scout book sized it would work better. Just needs to fit the dimensions of a small box. Many of the old pay it forwards are getting up there in weight due to the stuff in tow with the yo-yos that goes double for the double yoyo ones.

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