So funny story, I actually was just talking to some other people on Instagram about how I want the proto for the new edge, and what do ya know! My friend pointed out that you could win the the proto! If anyone here wins this, please pm me. I know y’all might not want to sell it, but as I’m sure you know, I’m probably the biggest Evan fan around and I need this
Just out of curiosity, how much will you be willing to pay for that?
I need pics!!
Also, I’d gladly sell/trade it away unless it comes in green! haha
A good amount
I believe it’s red, not sure thought. I’m thinking it’s res because that’s the only ano’d One we’ve seen. I really want the raw one, but from what Ben says is that it’s too sharp. And I want to the one that’s too sharp lol
@twitch77 notice the sharp looking edges of the raw one
Wow that looks really rimweighted. Very big rims lol
bruh looks like 66% edge beyond but larger
That looks absolutely insane. Very curious what is actually going on there, no way there is THAT much steel on this thing hahaha, hollow between the rim and body maybe? Very interesting.
There really is that much steel on it
Yeah. Look at those rims haha. Rim weight lovers will love that yoyo lmao
I had that exact same thought lol
I think at a certain point it becomes too much and makes each preceding throw a little less relevant. With the Shutter/Wide Angle there can really be a debate of preference, and of course the Replay is in a different category.
A lot of the Edge lineup seems like the decision is “which one can i afford?”
none of them lol
Wedge? Kedge? Edgeless?
All the mystery boxes are out so someone won the proto, right?