I need help: genesis, severe, or choatic

Should I get a severe, genesis, or wait for the choatic to come out? please vote.


  1. What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
  2. What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
  3. What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
  4. Do you like to mod/maintain it?
  5. Does color matter?
  6. How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do?)
  7. What is your price range?
  8. What is your skill level?
  9. What weight is ideal?

I like any shape.
My own
Over 100
I am not sure

They all seem to be similar, but I think the Genesis is more fitting.

SEVERE you wont be dissapointed

is the severe really that good, cause im tossing up the severe or the mvp i like them both, i want somthing with a huge gap but stil able to bind. i know the mvp is beastly but im leaning towards the severe because it wont break the bank, but i want to make shure im making the right choice.

Sure the SEVERE is good, but the Genesis is more H-Shaped which he may like more.

I have heard great thing on the Severe or Genisis. After looking at you preferances, i would say that a genisis is more fitting because its H-Shape and 1g over your ideal wieght.


EDIT: The genisis also has cool color varieties and has an option of Small Bearing or Large Bearing.