I need a newbie looper

I also bought a shinwoo LOOP today. And a couple others haha.

Mostly my problem with my raider was a lack of practice. I assumed I should be able to loop better since I thought I could loop with my old duncan imperial. Turns out, I kinda suck with looping that imperial as well. I’m starting to get the hang of the raider now. I’m up to about 5 inner loops in a row.

After 5 you should b able to do it indefinitely… Now do it with ur other hand… Very hard. I can do it about the same as you with my wrong hand.

What? You have a right and a wrong hand???

Practice those outside loops, because too many inside will hurt your tension; once you can do both you can alternate inside with outside loops.

you dont??? im not very ambidextrous so two handed looping is hard.
both hands are technically right but u prolly know what i mean.

Glad to hear. Hope you enjoy looping with them as much as I do :).

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The Loop 360 is awesome! I love it.

I now have 4 different affordable loopers. They all throw differently, but my favorites are the Loop 360 and the Shinwoo Loop.

My least favorite are the Raider and the Fireball. But the only reason I’m so hard ton the Raider, is because I really get tired of worrying about it flying apart while yoyoing. I even put plumbers tape around the axle treads, but I still worry. I just worry less. And the trans-axle on the Fireball just isn’t for me.