I made this gif. Is that André in the video?

Made this from an old video clip I had. I think those are actually aluminum rims but obviously now-days they are steel and other metals.

I’m always telling people about throwing so I like to have gifs and stuff to help explain. I think this one does a good job explaining more or less how a yo-yo works.



Yep. That’s me! :blush:

Filmed it in Florida. It was soooooo hot. Hahahah. Other player is Jarrett Pond who used to be on Team YoYoJam.


Whoever did the cgi did a great job, he put a lot of work into it for what is just a 2 minute clip. I guess that is a DM2 and they made it look great.

I sped it up a bit to shorten the gif and I paraphrased the narration.

Yeah, I love this little clip! Really neat for sure!

Also, you can see that it’s Andre in the full clip:


Honestly even the texture on the string looks pretty good (not fully visible on the gif), and I’m assuming this was several years ago

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Yeah thanks I was just about to link that

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The narrator (and maybe the writer?) got one thing wrong though: the response pads aren’t silicon. They are silicone. Confusion between the two seems to be about as common as the mispronunciation of “nuclear”.


I didn’t listen to it, but it says “silicone” on the screen

I noticed that as well. This wouldn’t work too well as yoyo response I don’t think. :smile:

That could have been moby’s work; he “paraphased the narration,” and maybe he caught the mistake and understood what the narrator should have said.

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Nukular vs nuclear

Hey I just got that shirt in the YYE Mystery Tee! And also wearing it right now! Me and Andre are basically the same person now.


It’s pronounced Nuka Cola

I put the text in there, I don’t remember what he actually said though

Yeah I put the text there

Wow how crazy is that! Lol

Check it out, Andre!

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Well not exactly because nuclear and “nukyular” aren’t two different things. He’s not just mispronouncing it, he’s saying something altogether different.

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Dude I got that shirt in the mail a couple days ago!


Hah what a coincidence

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