Hungrymushroom - AWOL?

Has anyone heard from @Hungrymushroom? I’m just making sure he’s ok. He’s been inactive for about 10 days.


11 days ago he was sending out the Centrifugal PIF my way, have not received the yoyo or heard back from him. (Hope all is well)


Also was just wondering this. Sure hope everything is ok. It’s a rough old world out there.


I was actually wondering the same thing, I had just sent him some homemade string to get feedback on and he hasn’t been online since :frowning_face:


Well, there is a shimmer of light in this situation of dark sadness. If you already paid for the yo-yo, it was certainly an excellent idea if you use PayPal and you chose goods and services. Because at least if things did go south for the mushroom, you’ll be able to get your money back.

No doubt you did not make the mistake of using friends family because then you better keep your fingers crossed that mushroom was actually hungry and just ventured off into the forest to find a polar bear or something else to eat?

The following text, I did not find in the Bible. The following text is just a representation of how I feel when I make a deal and I have somebody else’s money if that’s the case.

You make a deal with someone. Somebody has the product and somebody has the money. You’re the one with the money so you’re the one expecting the product. You pay for the product and the response is that the product will be sent to you in a timely manner so to speak.

11 days past and you’ve heard nothing. Zero zilch Nada nothing. Infinity……

Being naturally trustworthy and concerned and considerate and understanding as almost all yo-yo people are from birth, you give the seller absolutely every inch of slack by showing your concern of the persons whereabouts and well-being… And not mentioning a thing about the money or the yo-yo.

In your mind, the order of importance is first concerns over the mushroom, but in the back of your mind, wondering where your product is that you most likely already paid for but I’m only guessing.

The following is a shortlist of reasons that should or should not be considered acceptable

A person makes a deal with you and then drop dead. Very, very understandable because once you’re dead, you don’t do much in the way of completing tasks.

Somebody very close to that person drop dead, possibly even a pet? Many people have been in a situation where something or somebody around them die suddenly and turns their world upside down. At least that circumstance is understandable to a degree.

The person makes the deal gets your money, promised the product Shipping… And then does not visit the forum for 11 days. Not acceptable.

I suggest that is not acceptable because just about anything the person might say at that point would hold about as much water as a bucket full of bullet holes.

Sorry, I lost my phone. Sorry my phone broke. Sorry someone stole my phone. Sorry someone borrowed my phone. I’m really sorry that I don’t have any friends with phones that I could borrow… I don’t have an iPad… I don’t have a desktop… I don’t have a laptop… And I don’t know anybody who does… So I have absolutely no way whatsoever to contact you to let you know that everything actually is OK except that all Hell broke loose at my home address or close to it.

I’m sorry I didn’t get in touch with you. I forgot the day. I was supposed to mail the package. I actually went on a trip to the mountains and I’ve been gone for going on two weeks and didn’t realize that I forgot my phone at home sitting on top of the toilet seat. But even if I did have my phone with me, we could absolutely no reception up here so I couldn’t call you anyway so we’ve just been fishing. And I’m waiting for the fish to bite. I’m playing with your yo-yo. Well, let me see… Can we say not acceptable?

You make a yo-yo deal with somebody on the forum and if it takes more than several days to get anything going, you contact them if you have to go to a public library and use the library computer Wi-Fi. You tell them you stepped in something deep and smelly, and you’ve been buried in so much garbage that you haven’t even thought about calling them, but you still like to complete the deal, but if that’s out the door now you’ll send the money back. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Something like that.

I hope that hungry mushroom did just run into some junk and depending on what problems you run into and how willing or able you are to deal with the problems are factors that have a dramatic difference in how you were able to deal with them and deal with Other commitments that you’ve made.

But the bottom line is no matter how you cut it, if you make any kind of deal with somebody, it shouldn’t take 11 days for missing an action before someone gets the ball rolling.

My post is for perspective. It’s not wishing things won’t work out. It is wishing that things will work out. The only problem I have with me saying that is the fact that wishing is exactly what it is. It’s wishing. And leaving a little wiggle room for an exception to the rule, holding a coffee cup that you wish would automatically fill itself will result what you realistically expect… An empty coffee cup.

Good luck…


No deal was made and I’m not out anything. He sent me something for free, actually, and we were in communication regarding it, then he went silent. So, I’m naturally concerned.

2 other people, also not out anything except an opinion and a yoyo that isn’t theirs have responded and were wondering the same thing I was.

Thanks for the assumption.


This is regarding him having a PIF still but the sentiment remains the same people should minimally have to give the OG owner their email so if they disappear they can be invoiced or at least there is a second way to get ahold of these people cus it really stinks when these threads go the wrong way. I don’t know that anyone is saying they are throws they paid for are they?

This wasn’t regarding the PIF originally. I had no clue he had that PIF until you mentioned it.

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I have absolutely no difficulty stepping up and offering my apology for my assumption.

Everything I said in my above oratory could have or would have applied. Had there actually been a deal made.

I made the personal mistake of ‘ Assuming that an actual deal was made’, So probably about 90% of my oratory did not apply to this particular situation.

And, I clearly stated that I hope everything is OK with hungry mushroom and I hope things work out.

Thank you for clarifying the situation and now obviously the focus should be more on if hungry mushroom is actually OK and very little anything else that I said outside of that.


I wasn’t the one who originally mentioned it but I do help jer monitor those per his request I also hope all is well and wish no ill will

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Appreciate it, Doc. Thank you for this reply. I’m hoping someone who may have personal contact with him may see this and reach out.

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My apologies. I didn’t realize he had a PIF until Lovemachine mentioned it, not you.

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No apologies needed at all, I wasn’t adding anything productive here, I also wasn’t trying to stir the pot or be rude either hopefully everyone is fine and it just a pre worlds break haha :joy: my apologies if I did come across that way or seem like I was dogpiling


I replied on the original pif thread regarding this, I’ve had a lot happen lately, I do apologize for the delay but it will be on its way Monday


Sorry to hear that so much got piled on you, just glad to hear that you’re still around. There are just so many things that can happen to a person. We are rather fragile.


It’s been rough, very rough


Good to see you back, if only momentarily to deal with this.
Take care. :+1:


I’m definitely back, was without internet for a while including on my phone, this is basically the majority of what I use my internet for :joy: