Huge vibration from 3d printed top

Has anybody attempt to 3d print your own tops? I created my own top and 3d printed it. I used the yyf tip from the upgrade kit as the tip. I can manage to regenerate with it, but it was vibrating like crazy. I even used epoxy resin to glue the tip to the top. It didn’t help at all. Has anybody attempt to 3d print your own top?


Look up sweetle tops, fantastic 3d printed tops. He puts putty on the inside to balance them out.


Yeah I have 3D printed tops and they all require balancing. Get some of the blue putty that’s used to hang up posters and stuff on the wall. Then you get like a pea sized ball and stick that to the inside of the top at the crown. If the vibe is gone, congratulations you got it first try but that’s unlikely. So then move that ball like a quarter of an inch in one direction and see if that made it better or worse. If better continue to move in that direction until perfect. If worse go in the other direction. Once you find this sweet spot, the top should be in tune. Interestingly, I found that once you find that spot the same spot on multiple tops, printed on the same machine will provide the same balance. Infill and irregularities during the print just cause the imbalance so you have to always balance a 3-D printed top.


Ah thanks! I will try that.

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