Hspin Icon pads problem?

My Icon drops it’s pads in a month, and silicone only lasts 1 day in it. Any clue on what can be done? :’(

buy newe pads is the only thing you can do really for hspins

Seriously? If i get the whole package, it’s weird because I dont need the axles that the pads come with. So I’ll most probably run out of pads and have a lot of hspin axles. :-\

i hope these are the right ones:

It doesn’t say anything about it being for an Icon.

Don’t have an Icon, but if they use the same size as is used in the G&E4, you can use the Duncan sili pads.


From the pix in the yoyoskills review it looks like those are the same size. Smaller than used in the G&E4 series.

Yes it is the same, but… Wouldn’t wanna pay 31 dollars shipping just for pads? :-
Anyone successfully siliconed a Hspin here?

Oooppps, yes, that casts it in an entirely different light.

The pads that Jake said are the right ones. I have siliconed a gorylla and the icon is the same. And the pads can be bought at BILLYBOB’s. hope this helps :slight_smile:

It helps a lot if you refrain from refering to other stores. thanks,

Look at the dates before you bump this ^^^

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If your sili isn’t lasting but a day, you’re having issues. Brett sili’d a H20, and it worked perfectly. They’re supposed to be sili-acceptable.

As for the sili, how long did you let it cure?

its nearly 6 months old dg… its a necro, so its solved