How to Get Taylor Swift to DNA

Oh…I thought it was the SWIFFER committee…


Send a yo-yo to her publicity agent and a note?
You can’t contact her directly, but maybe in 10 years.

Or maybe you can on social media.


The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!


They just don’t make them like they used to.

I think it would be a good thing. That’s not a very community building remark of you

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Gatekeeping is never OK. Yes, communities can change. Everything changes. Sometimes it sucks.

No matter what, Gatekeeping is never the answer.


I totally understand what your saying but also new generations hit up be brought into a hobby and ushered dnd accepted or said hobby dies or sees at minimum a major decline. Growth is critical for long term success. Also the swiftee crowd is already here is small corners. Just need to open up a bit


That could work but I think a different person in Taylor Swift’s orbit would be a better choice: Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds is married to Blake Lively who is good friends with Taylor Swift. He also has a fake feud with Hugh Jackman, who already knows how to yoyo (citation:

The desire to one-up Jackman could be enough motivation to learn the DNA and Reynolds is goofy enough to whip out a yoyo to try to impress Swift.


I’m thinking more along these lines. Maybe it would be easier to get through to someone else, who would then have an easier time getting through to ole T-Swizzle


Yooo this is the kinda creative ideas we gotta get cooking! Nice work! Hmmmm alright alright I will brainstorm with this :saluting_face:


Brilliant! This started as a joke, but I legit want to see it happen now.

(Also, didn’t know Jackman was a thrower!).

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Honestly, a Gentry x Swift tiktok doesn’t sound incredibly far fetched.


Selina Gomez is also apparently very close to Taylor and might be a lower bar for entry, although Murders in the Building is moving that needle


I mean I guess I’m a “Folklore”


After giving this more thought, here is my longshot plan for making this happen.

Step 1

We, the throwers of the internet, send Hugh Jackman a metal Cheatcode in one of the Wolverine colors (yellow or blue). The package will include a letter stating that we saw the interview where he demonstrated his yoyo skills and think he would appreciate the challenge of learning a new trick. It will include a QR code to a DNA tutorial. It could also include a postscript saying we sent one to Ryan Reynolds too, but we don’t think he’ll be able to figure it out.

Step 2

We also send Ryan Reynolds a metal Cheatcode in one of the Deadpool colors (red or black). We don’t say who it is from. It includes the message “You don’t have the skills.” along with two QR codes. The first QR code is a link to the video of Jackman’s inverview demoing his yoyo skills. The second QR code is a link to the DNA tutorial.

Step 3

Cross our fingers and wait. There are so many ways this plan fails. Both need to actually receive the Cheatcodes. Reynolds needs the motivation to outdo Jackman to even learn the DNA so that there is a chance it could be done in the presence of Taylor Swift.

I think it would be more likely to succeed if the caps in the Cheatcode were dyed blue & black, which would make the Wolverine & Deadpool association more obvious.


The caps are delrin right? Easy to dye then. Blue yoyo with yellow dyed caps. Red one with black dyed or the other way around easy peasy


So we send these metal cheat code to @yoyospirit to dye the fs caps then reach out to @brandonvu and have him add his contact info as the publicity of either or both doing dna on a cheat code would be major and Brandon would probably be down to train either to dna. Far fetched. Maybe. Good PR. Heck yes all around. Silly absolutely but hey that’s what we live for right

I guess that also means we need to find two color specific cheat code but that feels like the easy step in this plan


I’ve actually have never dyed anything before :sweat_smile:.


Ohh… huh… sorry… was it @Hojo-YoYo who dyes yo-yos? I’m gonna start naming folks till I get this right


I think you’re maybe thinking of @JDyo?

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