How things have changed...

Thanks for the update Frank. You’re right, I haven’t been keeping up with yoyo news - I’ve recently come back from a long hiatus myself. Looking forward to the new Difs!

You’re Welcome ;D
I have a hard time keeping up even when I try … lol
Best Regards, Frank

That was a pretty epic summary. Thanks everyone.

An update to the Tank would be awesome!!

As someone who has just come back to yoyoing after decades away I was amazed by these things:

Fixed axel is back? I didn’t know it was gone until I learned about modern yoyos with bearings.

I had no idea that 3a, 4a, and 5a styles existed. I really want to try 4a some day.

The only name in yoyo 40 years ago was Duncan. Today there are half a dozen companies seriously competing with Duncan. Some may say that Yoyo Factory has surpassed them. However, Duncan does make some very good yoyos at a good price point so they’re not out of the game by any means.

It seems that the average 12 year old can kick my behind in yoyo tricks.

I’m gonna go with most yoyo’s used today are not Duncan.

Yoyos gradually become wider, more stable, long spinning instrument that perform stupidly easy very well compared to how things was back then.

Hybrid is no more… but… but… I still play my Speeder.

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Well string wise, there’s this 50/50 string. It’s cotton and polyester, but I still stick to cotton. There’s all polyester too. Yoyo wise, the best one out there is the yoyojam phenom. Hiroyuki Suzuki designed it, and since he’s like the best yoyoer to ever hit the scene, it has to be good. I haven’t gotten to play one because it’s over 100 dollars. Jeez that’s a lot for a yoyo. Response wise, I still use cork material brake pads. Some people have upgraded to silicone pads. I played them once, I like them. I think they’ll really catch on, most newer yoyos have them.

Now that’s funny how you can say that it’s good but have never played it, just because it’s designed by any world champ doesn’t mean it will always be good.
To be fair however, I own one, it IS really good.

So here’s what happened with me a few times now. I went from the 2000s to 2009 without really yoyoing at all, picked up my first “modern” yoyo in 2010. I had no clue what made a capable yoyo these days other than bearing and wing shape. I didn’t know about gap width, response systems, or any of that. During this time, yoyos still had kind of high walls, had hubs, had wide friction stickers or silicone grooves. I take a pause in 2012 as I kind of got stuck in a rut and never really progressed.

Fast forward to 2015 when I decide to pick up my Shutter (I still attended BAC during my break) and learn some new stuff. Finger spins are in, yoyos don’t have “nipples” anymore but concave cups, walls are virtually nonexistent, and now you have aluminum yoyos with steel rings that are the rage in the competition scene. Friction stickers are now a thing of the past (which I’m glad, never was a fan of them)

Certain companies are gone (Like…I was wondering what happened to RecRev, but we won’t discuss that), and YYF is pumping out awesome throws at mid-range prices…and YYF seems to be the “New Duncan” so to speak as far as getting yoyos mainstream and having very modern throws to work with (Sorry Duncan, you still have some nice throws, but, there are better options compared to the beginner line of yoyos.)

I was joking. The phenom was the best a while ago, most everybody uses all polyester string, and cork brake pads are pretty much non-existent in modern yoyos. Hiroyuki Suzuki is no longer the world champion either. 100+ dollar yoyos are no longer “jeez that’s expensive” yoyos. Plus I posted that at like 11:30 at night, my joke seemed a lot more amusing then ;D

Really though, I have never played a phenom. I’m saving up for a phenomizm though.

Yeah, funny how your perception changes in the light of day. When I first read your post I thought maybe you lived in a cave somewhere.

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