I’ve been looking at this really cool thing. I dont wanna explain it all but you wear it over your eyes and its like a 3D tv all around you. They tried to get $250,000, but they got over $1million. I think it’s $500 but I really want one of these… I didn’t really explain it too well by you should watch the video.
Somebody commented about that on there page, and said people used it for hours and nothih happened, thank god right!
Haha,But I think they should make a circular “treadmill” type thing, so you can run around like in actual games. Then they can make props, like fake guns for cod or bf4. I would wanna play GTA,batman,and bf4 on that thing <3 <3 <3 ahhh it seems so cool!!!
But I don’t know if you can play video games on it, I know about Netflix (its supposed to be clearer than on tv) and mobile games you can.
Big-ish news! (if you live in Hong Kong… ;)) I think they are kinda releasing it in Hong Kong. Not to but, but I think they are starting to let people try it out! Plus there is only 3 days (its Monday) left for the kickstarter! (it ends the 21st) so…soon maybe…