How much is an Overdrive Draupnir Worth compared to the Draupnir?

How much is an Overdrive Draupnir Worth compared to the Draupnir? Just wondering how much you would buy them for because yoyos are expensive.

Seen the OD range around the 180-210 range

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which one?

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OD Draup

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I’d imagine on the secondhand market that the OD Draup would fetch a higher price if for nothing else than because there’s a lot more regular Draupnirs in the wild.

But I’ve also seen some special editions Draupnirs go for a lot more than what I’ve seen OD Draupnirs sold for.

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a couple of us have been seeing glossy/matte draupnir prices in the $200 - $250 range, with a sweet spot about $225…

fuji draup can fetch up to $500 i believe

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