How is this possible?

I’ve seen a lot of yoyo tutorials and Im thinking of starting a yoyo youtube channel.

I’ve always wondered how in certain tutorials, there can be a camera angle of the players point of view, like a headcam

How is this done? I would love to use it

Bookshelf, small ramp… Maybe some tape…

Is it like taped to their head?

Ouch…that would hurt to pull off…

I have my brother hold the camera, you could get a tripod or a headcam. If you started making videos and put them up often enough i would definitely subscribe ;D

Lol! Its a gopro on a hat

It’s either head mounted, or a tripod is tall enough to look over their shoulder.

"there can be a camera angle  of the players point of view, like a headcam

How is this done?"

“of the players point of view, like a headcam”

“like a headcam”

“a headcam


Ok people, I understand

I have a Gorillapod… I used that to wrap my camera around a convenient chandelier in my living room. Top-down view, baby![u][i][b]GoPro[/b][/i][/u]-Head-Strap-Mount-Cameras/dp/B002PAX9QU