How do I leave Trader Feedback?

i started using the forums back in 2010. Up until (as far as i know) 2013, there was a way to leave feedback once you click on a persons profile. I have not found a way to do that with this new website (which does look like a huge improvement on the site from back then).

Could anyone walk me through how i would go about leaving feedback?


Give a search in the Traders Feedback category for the username.

  • If a topic exists for that username, reply to it and leave the feedback.

  • If a topic does not exist for that username, create one and leave the feedback.

We’re looking at directly linking a feedback button to the user card in the future to make this simpler and remove the searching (or creation) step.

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Also I should have mentioned, the old feedback from earlier than June 2018 is now visible on the user profile page as of about a week ago. This was migrated across from the old forum software.

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