How do I get rid of scuffs on my protostar

how do i get scuffs off my protostar or any other plastic yoyo?

Satin it. Or, let your yo-yo have some character.


Dings and scuffs make your yo-yo unique. You know that only your yo-yo has those marks on them. Then you start to love those dings and scuffs.

Wiping it with a damp paper towel (while applying lots of pressure) may remove some.

soon i will come to realise that those dings and scuffs are special but it is like a brand new yoyo I dont want them yet!!!

If you use some 1200 grit wet and dry emery paper and you will get a nice finish.

on a plastic?

I think i got it though, i licked my finger and kept rubbing it and eventually, eventually it came off,

my fingers hurt now though :’(

yeah 1200 is very fine emery paper and if you do use it with some water the finish is extreamly smooth you can even get finer than 1200. I think you can get up to 2000

There is such a thing as 10,000 grit sandpaper but that is a little excessive. 1000-2000 will remove scuffs and polish the plastic quite readily.

I have this problem a lot since I often yoyo 5a over a rubbery floor. I just use a wet paper towel if the scuffs are light, but for bad ones I always use a Mr.Clean Magic Eraser. You can get them at most big stores like Target, Frys, etc. It works awesome!

My bro’s got 12,000 grit sand paper. He was gonna let me satin my dark magic… But i did it myself, with 220 grit sand paper, and it came out pretty darn good. ( for my first satin :D)

ive got half micron paper (its actually on mylar but whatever) i use to sharpen tools