Since Andre reads this thread… YOU WANT BUY COOKIES?
Grats Apetrunk and JM ;D You guys really deserved it ;D
Grats to DrYoYo too You’re an awesome mod ;D
Congratz to the new eXperts.
WooHoo! go Apetrunk.
Grats to all three of you.
Congratulations all of you!
congrats guys, i knew that jm would be one, and i thought dryoyo would be one too, but this third one was new and i could not have made a beforehand prediction (what did i just say???)
You can predict your shuffle on your iPod but not this? Fail…
hey JM clap clap
Wow thanks a ton. I was actually about 3 hours away from a computer I could use so some people messaged my phone. This made my weekend. Thanks again.
Congratulations you all deserve it ;D good luck
Everyone here is a psychic!
Niiiiice. Apetrunk really deserved it, he has definitely helped me the most. Btw ape, I finally got that spirit bomb down ;). Congrats, man. (And good luck in your stats class)
at least samad isnt a mod
what’s that supposed to mean?
Great job guys!!! Y’all deserve it!
He probably hates me, or something. He goes into a spiraling like and dislike for me, its quite annoying, actually. Don’t mind him though, hes not the sharpest tool in the shed
or the brightest crayon in the box.