help with combos?

i need a good combo for a one minute freestyle… any ideas? i cant think of any

It would be helpful to know what your skill level is. Where would you put yourself on the Yoyoexpert learning section? Or are you past that? Though i won’t be help really past this, someone else maybe able to help once they have this info.

if you cant come up with a 1 minute run, maybe your not quite ready to perform/compete.

Take your favorite 5 tricks and do them in sequence. Need to learn different ones follow the “LEARN” button up top here on YYE. start at the beginning, and go from there. It all comes as you learn the difference parts and find the flow.

I have a 15-20 second combo that might help you out. Pretty simple, but smooth and it all flows together.

ok can you send it to me and i am in the advanced part