Help me identify a mysterious mystery yoyo (Idenetified)

Hello everypeople and people who may not be people (your secret is safe with me). I have recently received a yoyo from a friend of mine in a trade. There’s only one problem: Neither of us know what the heck it is or where it came from! I know he got it from another person and I’m guessing that person got it at a contest or something. It’s dimensions and shape are near identical to the Wooly Marmot and shares other similarities with it as well. The finish is a sort of chalky beadblast with the response area masked off. Now no story is complete without PICTURES WOO:

Now this is funky. The bearing seat has three little holes in it. HMMMMMMMM:

Check out how close to a Marmot this thing looks. It has a nearly identical shape and dimensions. The hub also seems to be inspired my the marmot:

Any help identifying what this yoyos is and where it came from would be extremely helpful! I know it’s been bugging me for a while.


its probably a prototype clyw or recrev if not it wasnt made here in the usa

Provide a valid argument for your statement please.

k well the side/hub area looks like a clyw and if it isnt a clyw then itd probably a rec rev because they made a ton of prototypes

I doubt that. The shape just seems inspired by the Marmot, not preceding it. I severely doubt it’s recrev either.

Also, are all the pictures showing up right? I posted this on a Wii so some of the pics either load or don’t on my end.

Your pics are fine. I too doubt that this is a CLYW or RecRev, but I could be wrong. All I know is that if you wanna get rid of it, shoot me a message, haha.

Also, the gap is wider than the bearing is! I’m guessing 5.25-5.3ish mm

Its called the Crucifier, it was supposed to be a yoyo for an upcoming company. Click the link above and look through the photo stream you will find it there.

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Jim to the rescue! Thanks man, now I know what to call it!

Thank you buttons are your friends… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well where I grew up we thanked people with words :stuck_out_tongue:



EDIT: Now did you search for this, stumble upon it, or did you know all along and didn’t tell me on the 24th?

I remember seeing it on YoYoSkills, but didn’t remember the name :stuck_out_tongue: