vsnewton skywalker: costom ano and paint yoga flame paint job gots some love marks but a really nice player and smooth has a 10 ball concave in it value around 80 or so
vsnewton battosai: near mint gots 1 scuff white knight edition smooth player value around 80 or so
clyw marmot: gots some love marks but smooth as heck really nice player value around 80 or so
one drop 54: custom paint no ano job very smooth player good yoyo and a great project yoyo if u want to paint and ano it have alot of side eff for it has a 10 ball in it value around 100 for it and effects
ilyy 2009 eins: gots some love marks not alot nice player value around 60 or so
hand candy: grape flavor gots alot of 3A marks on it and a bad pulse vibe but with some tunning its almost smooth very sick player one of my all time fav yoyos floaty and FAST gots a center track in it OFFER
dv888: purple with rims satined gots some marks on rims not bad one of the best under used yoyos out there gots a 5star bearing in it OFFER
new clyw think its called the chief
spy pro
hand candy
anything vsnewton espacially if its works edition
pics: if there are no pics of the yoyo in the link then send me ur number or email in a pm and ill send u a pic