Happy Holidays by Alex yee

Happy Holidays everyone. this is the time where we all gather around and celebrate christmas with one another.  :smiley: filmed and edited by alex yee myself. yoyos used: battosai, skywalker, and some sushi. LOL!  :slight_smile: hope you guys enjoy it. comments are appreciated.  :wink: special thanks to Heath.  :wink:


Thank you sir. :wink:


Nice, and VSNYYC FTW!

yoyo’s and sushi the perfect combonation mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!

thank you sir! :wink:

i know right? why doesnt everyone do that? LOL! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Josh Yee says to Alex Yee that video is epic Mr. Yee.

But man, memories, I used to freestyle to castles in the sky back in 06, still one of my fave songs, and yes, Sushi is epic.

Somewhere down the line we are related Alex, haha

Nice vid.

yes. somewhere down the line we are related. :slight_smile: and wow! you used to freestyle to this song? dang man. thats old skoo. its legit. lol. also to others, Expect a new video coming soon called “Exotic Legitimate” lol. couldnt think of a good title so that one came outa nowhere. lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! and you know, were probably related if we go back a couple million generations ;D