It gave me a message saying “Hacking Attempt” a few times i tried to post. Im pretty confused…
Okay, look, this is a child friendly forum. For your information, Andre is smart enough to know that you are a professional hacker (probably getting paid about $1500 a hack) and he knows what you did. Stop hacking… please?
I’ve had this when using the Tapatalk app, I just ignored it and tried the post again. That being said, I am a professional hacker so…
To OP:
Are you using the app? I have gotten this message a few times before, seems to be a small bug.
This happens to me so much.
Never happened to me, I guess they didn’t know that I’m the hacker, muehehehehe
Your sv_superhax aren’t enough to get passed YYE’s crack team of technical moderators.
d00d u mu5t b sum 1337 hax0r 0r sum thing.
O nu i gots cot
Sector address x800083170 is vulnerable, let’s exploit this to gain admin privilege.
Good idea, lets run Metaslopit!