Hate to see these go but they just don’t get played.
The Project and M1 are both very rare yoyos. The g5+ is also somewhat rare but not as rare
The m1 is in PERFECT condition, not a single mark on this yoyo
The Project is in great condition although has a few very tiny marks and the worst is pictured
The g5+ is in perfect condition aside from two dings, one on each half, and the dings are pictured
I am looking for only trades
For the m1 I want an 888 or a skyline
For the Project I’m looking for any combination of 3 fundeMETALS (3 dv888’s, 2 dv888’s+ 1 frantic, etc) except I dont want a combo of more then 1 hectic.
The g5+ I want either some combo of FundeMETALS, or an 888 or skyline, I’m not very specific on what I want for this one just offer
I don’t want any plastics or any yoyojams
I’m in no hurry to get rid of these so I am going to take the best offer I can get.