GOLD Center Trac Bearing.

Before i clean the bearing, it has nothing wrong but only a little responsive.
But after cleaning, it spin even longer, and responsive problem is gone which makes the bearing even better.
I am only sharing my own experience.

Who said a new bearing doesn’t needed to be clean?
I guess you doesn’t understand the modification of yoyo bearing. You should visit the forum for the knowledge.

If you try cleaning it and it still doesn’t work, we can further discuss the bearing.
May be you are poor and save 45$ for a long time and buy this bearing which you don’t think is good enough, but everyone have this experience too.
Being negative and mean won’t fix anything.

I’ve often had to clean new bearings. If I were to guess, I would actually say that I clean a good third of my “new” bearings!

To all those people who say they’re loud, how long have you played them? Because you know, pretty much all bearings need time to break in…

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