Going plastic! Introducing X.Point - Yoyofficer official news!

Brave looks really nice. Reminds me of the Skywalker. Eager reminds me of the Sasquatch.

Yoyofficer next model will be called GRAVITY and it’s for 4A!


Tried my friend’s Brave, It was awesome! had to get used to how it was a bit wider than my other throws but after that it was smooth and fit for my play style, slow cuz im still learning tricks and smoothing out combos, also, found out something neat, the inner double lip closest to the center of the cup makes it good for fingerspins (top on), also learning 4A, might buy Gravity :D, also, is the Brave good for 3A? cuz I play 3A and might buy a pair for the future, only reason i didnt but a brave was cuz i spent my money on the Duncan Strix and a 2A pair of YYJ UNleasheds, will buy my first YoyoOfficer in the future though :smiley:
P.S. will u guys make a 2A looping yoyo (Please make one)? Also I noticed that your yoyo’s names are alphabetical (Aura, Brave, Crayon, Dasher, Eager, Fit, Gravity)

You mean you are Eager to try an Eager? Also If anybody is Eager for a Brave, i have one. I would $40.

Just got a yyo fit and I’m very amazed of the quality and look of this yoyo( I got purple/black acid wash),though yyo your ano is great but I wish you made yoyos that are beadblasted as well.

Gravity is our newest model designed for 4A play! Available soon in stores in white and black colour for 50$.

Simple and wide shape with long sleep is ideal both for 4A beginners and experienced players.

Our team player He Xian Xiang used Gravity to finish 2nd at Chinese Nationals!

Diameter 78 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight 74 g




Now I now what Im gonna get in a few weeks/months XD school started so wont get another yoyo till maybe thanksgiving or christmas :frowning:

Yoyofficer team took Gravity to China National Contest and finsihed on great 2nd and 4th place!!

Sorry for lower quality, also I have no idea what is going on with sound.

I’d like to see an on string yoyo like the gravity, that shape its really cool and what is the likeliness that you will stock your other offerings here at YoYoE?

From today all Yoyofficer post will be also on Twitter! If you want to see all news not filtered by facebook, please follow us :slight_smile:


Yoyofficer is currently wokring on two new models and is working with new manufacturer to get yo-yos of even higher quality.

Yoyofficer team member Bai Wei Liang finished on awesome second place at Hong Kong Yo-yo contest! Congratulations :slight_smile:

Yo-yo used - Yoyofficer Eager

Awesome promo video for Gravity from Ho Hin Cheung

I gotta say the gravity is the best looking offstrings out there. Also the ano jobs you have a great.

New Gravity promo video

Also Yoyofficer revealed Hatchet http://yoyoexpert.com/forums/index.php/topic,67405.0.html

And there is one more model coming hopefully by end of this week :slight_smile:

PS: In near future, you can expect release of Yoyofficer at another USA shop :slight_smile:

I am looking forward to any new offering from YoyoOfficer. All of my YoyoOfficer throws are unbelievable yo-yo’s as well as great values.

With most Chinese brands, the value is relative to the price. While they generally do not play as well as major brands, they are still great yo-yo’s given the price that is so low.

YoyoOfficer is different. Their yo-yo’s could sell for $125; and I would not even notice. They are great throws by themselves and compare well to all major brands. Add in that unbelievable price-point, and YoyoOfficer is a hard proposition to beat.

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Both Hatchet (Intoducing Yoyofficer Hatchet - Manufacturer Official News - YoYoExpert Forums) and IMP (Yoyofficer IMP released! High performance yo-yo just for 40$. - Manufacturer Official News - YoYoExpert Forums) should be arriving to first shops this week.

And finally you can expect release of Yoyofficer on Yoyoexpert !! :slight_smile:

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Is this yoyo used to combat the Kaiju?

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Yoyofficer team member Pisco and Hatchet.