Geoffrey James "Game has Changed" Maker, on the news.

This turned out to be a pretty cool segment.

I think he should have tricked the guy with a unresponsive throw after he started getting the responsive to start coming back up.  :smiley:

Video below.

Nice segment. He kept the focus on the community and the sport, but did good emphasis on his film as well. Definitely a good score for the community in general. Since he did win some awards for it, it would be nice if he could do the morning show and late show circuits as well.

Here in Sacramento, if you want to see video for a segment, good luck finding it. They like to hide it, and when you find it, the file has been removed.

Very cool!!!

I didn’t know Geoffrey was so young!

I’ve watched “The Game Has Changed” three or four times now and had not caught before that the thing was done entirely by a 13 year old kid all on his own. Now I’m REALLY impressed. Way to go Geoffrey James!